Quora.com is the number one platform for getting your answers from the experts. The ultimate goal of this website is just to spread the knowledge and to help the people who are seeking the knowledge. But wait, Quora is not the only site which has this purpose. There are many other sites like Quora which can be the best alternative of Quora. Here are we are listing some websites like Quora. Let’s jump in.
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This platform is considered as the best alternative of quora because of users of this app. This application brings every hot topic in every niche which you think matters to you. You can install it any device including apple, windows or any other device. This is a cross-platform which lets the user get his favorite topic news instantly in his device.
This website works as social news site brings the news and topics from the various social platform. The platform also allows the user to interchange their ideas to help each other. You can also find the viral type news here. This site is specially designed for providing the buzzing news instantly to the readers of the site.
This site is not the only the alternative of the Quora but also the best alternative of Reddit. This site is designed as the discussion site on which you can get thoughtful information including stories, ideas, and events. The user interface of this site is quite simple, and you can use it without having too much trouble.
This amazing web-based application is specially designed for the persons who want to share the valuable web contents with their friends around the world. You can find the groups of experts, and you can join any of them which sounds familiar to you.
If you are one of the old internet users, then you know about this site. At that time Yahoo answers was the best place to ask for answers to your questions. Yahoo released this site as an extra service, and it became popular in a short period. The best part of this site is you can ask the question with uploading a supporting image if you have such image. Yahoo only allows you to ask answers publically not anonymously. This is one of the old but most relevant quora similar sites.
This is one of the leading sites which are in the form of community or a network of people to answer the questions of each other. This is the best option if you want an answer related to programming or computing. Apart from this, you can ask questions on other topics as well. The intention behind this site was to create a community where people can ask questions without having any hesitation. You can also request a solution to the personal problem as well.
This is blogging and networking site which functions on the Steem blockchain method to reward its content creator. It is the most beneficial tool serving in multiple niches. Here you will find only high-quality contents and stories. You can share those articles with your friends and relatives on any social media platform because it’s easy sharing process. If you want to publish your content on this site, you have to register your account, but if you’re going to read only then, you can do this without registering.
Stack Overflow is a question answer site with a significant value among readers. This is specially designed for the developers to share their expertise with other developers or persons who are interested in reading such contents. If you want to sharpen your coding skills, you must be the daily reader of this site. Each month site records the 50 million visitors who share or gain the knowledge on this site. This was created to provide the additional options which were not in the yahoo answers.
According to the statistic on Wikipedia, this site records more than 160 million visitors number every month. That’s why this site is one of the best alternatives to Quora. This was designed for mobile devices, but you can use it in the browsers of your computers. This platform allows you to ask any question. You can do the same anonymously which means if the question seems kind of not to ask publically then you can ask without showing your real identity. This site was launched in 2010 and deals in more than 49 languages.
If you think that the company which made Ubuntu creates this site, then you are entirely wrong. This is like stack exchange and stack overflow sites. The name says that this site is perfect for those who want to the solution to a problem related to the Ubuntu. If you have such a problem, then you can ask here, and you will get a genuine answer whenever your questions come across an expert there.
This is another knowledge sharing site which aimed at the computer geeks. The platform is exceptionally beneficial for the IT persons because this site has some expert of the IT which solves the problems of the other IT persons. One who is interested in the content of IT then you can enjoy your reading time on this site.
This is one of the old websites which enables the user to get the answer to his question regardless of the category of the question. Answerbag is even older than the Yahoo Answers. You can ask funny questions related to the meme material, and you can also ask serious issues related to your career and relationship. The site was launched in 2003 when the internet was trying to reach more and more persons.
Ramandeep Singh, an MBA in finance and financial management services, founded Plainmath in 2013 to help students navigate the maze of difficult math issues. When it comes to numbers, he is an inspiration and a genuine partner. His wisdom is constantly on the lookout for you.
Plainmath has evolved into a free math encyclopedia. We gather and organize all unsolved math problems, as well as offer answers, so that students may study and comprehend them. Our main purpose is to add clarity and accessibility to the educational process. We want to create a welcoming environment that encourages students to support one another. Our platform allows anybody to contribute and share their expertise with other students. You can also check the Plainmath review that might help you learn more about the software.
We hope now you know many options if you were searching a website like Quora. If this content sounds valuable to you, then let us know in the comment section down below.
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